Monday, November 12, 2007

Winelands 2007 pictures!

11 November 2007

I'm not gonna say anything about Winelands because the achievements of all the other forumites overshadows mine :-) Thanks Floogle and Bennie for the photo's :-)

12 November 2007

There's an interesting topic going on as to how to pace the 56km race! Based on Marvin1's info I'll need to run a 4:00 - 4:07 marathon to safely complete sub 6 :-( So much for Saturday's PB!

14 November 2007

Found more Winelands 2007 pictures!

Monday, October 29, 2007

More Voet of Africa 2007 photo's!

01 November 2007

I am so very tired. Last night's Old Mutual 10km was a hard race! Muscles seemed to work harder on the flat winding route because it felt as if I couldn't get moving.

Nabal & Abigail : brain smart vs people smart i.t.o. provoking or calming situations as division amongst church & community leaders is escalated by false political prophets conveniently using Jesus as part of their campaign!