Thursday, December 4, 2008

Twilight Team Run 2008 photo's!

Thursday 04/12/2008

Twilight Team Run raises R500 000 for needy!

A howling south-easter down on the foreshore could not deter thousands of participants in the Community Chest Twilight Team Run who clutched on to their wigs, hats, skirts and cardboard outfits as they snaked through the city. Meghann Leo from the Community Chest said that the race had been "stunning" and that R524 700 was raised. Leo said 3 180 teams entered in 2008, which meant there were about 19 080 entrants."It was awesome, there were no glitches, everything went smoothly," she said. Bumblebees and ball gowns, cardboard-covered medieval knights, pirates and even Daily Voice page three girls were spotted as the participants moved from Table Bay Boulevard, through Long and Adderley Streets and back, around dusk on Tuesday.

Those pushing children in prams and carrying cooler bags with snacks and drinks proceeded with caution. Team spirit was palpable as people held on to each other for support recoiling against strong gusts of wind. There was confusion about the winner of the best dressed team, so that award will be announced later. The prize is the Good Hope FM trophy and a 178-litre deep freeze for each of the six team members. Bystanders played loud music and honked vuvuzelas to cheer on participants. Some brave members did the 5km walk in stiletto heels for the sake of complementing their outfits. Many had to hold on tightly to their mobile boom boxes, trolleys filled with liquor and cardboard cut-outs as they moved around the circle at Hans Strijdom Avenue. Others trailed off in Long Street where inviting pubs and restaurants were buzzing. It was the 26th Twilight Team Run. It was first held in 1982 to raise funds for victims of the Laingsburg flood.

Thanks Marcellus, Fatig & Cornel for the photo's!

Photos taken of the crowd!

Friday 05/12/2008

Stumbled upon these photo's while reading up about the upcoming Tru-Cape Kogelberg Big Blue 2008/9 Summer Series. You'll recognise the ladies team that won!

16 step PB :-)

06/02/2025 After a month of training & battling for 2 weeks with niggling injuries or sore muscles, I finally set a 16 step PB sprinting...