Sunday, January 29, 2023

What you do in secret, God will reward you openly! No 3 Lemar was resurrected from the dead after his teammates knelt & prayed! So please repent, less you perish!!!




Sunday, January 22, 2023

Where's your keys? Take back your authority through spiritual warfare against Pharaoh (stubborn hindering, delay, blockage & distraction spirits) in your life!



Sunday, January 15, 2023

The greatest lesson I've learned during Spiritual Warfare is that God allowed satan to enter the throne room of God before destruction was released on Job's household! Church killings resulted when evil entered the house of the Lord!!!





Sunday, January 8, 2023

Now is not the time to look back Lot's wife : (incantation) a series or use of words said as a magic spell or charm vs cost of discipleship doing spiritual warfare


Sunday, January 1, 2023

God lifts the veil to reveal His purpose through Exodus 7:16 The blood plague when flash floods struck Jukskei river (M71) & Durban beach experienced sewerage spilling & a freak drowning whereas the Western Cape had no fatalities closing Muizenberg & Fish Hoek when they experienced spilling!



Featured artist : Mandisa