Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Cross country 2009 photo's!

Tuesday 12/05/2009 Hussy uploaded photos from the UCT cross country event!

Wednesday 13/05/2009 Nuffing uploaded some Milkwood photos!

Thursday 14/05/2009 Dwarp uploaded their Milkwood photos! 

WPA uploaded photos of the Masters track & field championships which took place in Pretoria!

Friday 15/05/2009
Edgemead uploaded their photo's of the UCT crosscountry!

Photo's taken at UCT cross country!

UCT crosscountry photo's uploaded by Pinelands AC

Nabal & Abigail : brain smart vs people smart i.t.o. provoking or calming situations as division amongst church & community leaders is escalated by false political prophets conveniently using Jesus as part of their campaign!